Privacy Policy

Victory is committed to providing to you the highest level of customer satisfaction through the delivery of superior service and standard of products. Consistent with this commitment is ensuring that your personal information (which includes your name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, occupation, previous addresses, etc.) is:

1. collected lawfully and fairly and in a non-intrusive way;

2. Used or disclosed only for:

• the primary purpose of delivering the high standards of service and products that you expect and that Victory prides itself on; and

• related secondary purposes such as follow-up service calls and marketing of new service and product ranges; and

3. securely protected to prevent unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

From 21 December 2001, Victory is bound by amendments made to the Privacy Act 1988 which enshrine 10 National Privacy Principles (NPP’s) relating to the use and protection of your personal information. This policy sets out the matters Victory is required to communicate to its customers. This policy must be read in conjunction with Victory’s collection statement.

With reference to the NPPs, Victory operates as follows:

Refer to Victory’s collection statement, in particular sections 2 and 3.

Refer to Victory’s collection statement, in particular sections 3 and 4.

While Victory will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date, as a valued client Victory looks to you to notify Victory of any changes to your circumstances which should be incorporated in the personal information Victory holds.

Victory takes all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Victory does this by having in place the latest IT and restricting access to paper held information to authorised Victory personnel only.

This Privacy Policy and Victory’s collection statement constitute Victory’s currently expressed policies on Victory’s management of personal information. You have a right to view or receive copies of these documents.
Victory encourages you to check with Victory whether this version of the privacy policy is its most recent as it may change from time to time.

You have a right to access your personal information on written request to Victory, unless Victory considers that a statutory exception applies (in which case, Victory will inform you of the reasons).
Victory will not apply a charge in making your written request. However, Victory reserves the right to levy reasonable charges in providing access.

Victory does not use any identifiers (such as a tax file number) assigned by a government agency as part of your personal information.

Wherever it is lawful and practicable, you have the option of not identifying yourself when entering into a transaction with Victory.
However, in order for Victory to fulfil your needs or requirements, at some point in time your personal information will be required.

Victory does not transfer your personal information to any person or body in a foreign.

Victory does not collect personal information revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association or trade union, sexual preferences, criminal record or state of health unless:

• you consent
• the collection is required by law
• the collection is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious imminent threat to the life or health of any individual
• the collection is necessary for the establishment , exercise or defence of a legal claim by Victory.


You may contact Victory at 245 Browns Road, Noble Park VIC 3174, telephone (03) 8793 5700, fax (03) 8793 5799, e-mail [email protected]. If you have a concern with how Victory is treating or handling your personal information, you should ask for or mark your written enquiry to the attention of Victory’s Privacy Officer.

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